Tales of the second slice

 Believe It.

I went back and decided to check out Naruto.

Lets just start with Sasuke fucking sucks. Sasuke is the fucking worst and the only reason that I ever thought he was cool when I originally watched the show was cause Naruto thought he was cool.

Sasuke is nothing more then a shitty mean Batman. He even eventfully creates his own pseudo family out of misfit orphans. and never actually learns anything other then if he keeps being an ass everything will work out.

That's pretty much all I got from seasons 1-6. Sasuke sucks and is literally the worst. Sakura and him belong together cause she has barely any growth either. I think overall we put Naruto as a whole on a pedestal. It is a great story and I am not trying to shit on it. The reality of the situation is not many of the main characters actually grow.

I love Naruto's story of course. See that period, I meant that whole heartedly. It made brought me to the highest emotional peaks and the deepest of chasms following his growth and perseverance. His wins and his loses(Jiraiya you the truest). I am all and always will be all in for what Naruto as a story was/is.

Naruto stands the test of time. 

That is a fact, it also has so many things that I wish could have been done better.

But who am I to judge.

Loaf out.


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